  • Evolution of different solar cells_M2 cells

    Evolution of different solar cells_M2 cells

    Aug , 31 2021
    The first modules had a power class of 48 watts in 1983. Here 36 cells with the dimensions 100 x 100 mm were used. The first modules had a power class of 48 watts in 1983. Here 36 cells with the dimensions 100 x 100 mm were used. This cell size was available on the market until about 1996. The first IBC Megaline modules with 120 watt, manufactured in the USA, were based on the dimensions 125 x 125...
  • Evolution of different solar cells_G1 cells

    Evolution of different solar cells_G1 cells

    Aug , 31 2021
    The demand for wafers has exponentially increased over the past two decades due to the increase in the production and sale of PV systems. The increase in the wafer size allows the production of more semiconductor instruments from only a single wafer, which improves productivity and effectiveness of wafers. With the advancements of technology, currently M2, G1, M4, M6, M10 and M12 are different waf...
  • Evolution of different solar cells_M6 cells

    Evolution of different solar cells_M6 cells

    Aug , 31 2021
    The demand for wafers has exponentially increased over the past two decades due to the increase in the production and sale of PV systems. The increase in the wafer size allows the production of more semiconductor instruments from only a single wafer, which improves productivity and effectiveness of wafers. With the advancements of technology, currently M2, G1, M4, M6, M10 and M12&nb...
  • Misconceptions about the impact of weather on Solar modules

    Misconceptions about the impact of weather on Solar modules

    Aug , 31 2021
    Despite solar energy becoming more accessible and a more common method for powering homes, offices;  there are still plenty of people out there who believe the misconception that solar panels only work in parts of the country where the weather is sunny and agreeable year-round. Solar energy is far more adaptable than some people think, especially when it comes to production in variable weathe...
  • Reasons for Solar Panel degradation

    Reasons for Solar Panel degradation

    Aug , 31 2021
    Although crystalline solar power panels are often sold with 25- to 30-year lifespan guarantees, those 30-year-old modules won’t be performing as well as they did on Day 1. Performance declines as solar cells experience degradation due to unavoidable circumstances like UV exposure and weather cycles. Manufacturers realize this, so solar panels come with a power output or performance warranty that u...
  • Things to know about commercial solar panel degradation

    Things to know about commercial solar panel degradation

    Sep , 01 2021
    Continuing about the reasons for commercial panel degradation from last week, it's important to know the degradation rate of the solar panels you're going to evaluate, how the manufacturers compare and what type of impact takes place on your business due to solar panel degradation is the most important thing. Definition of Solar Panel degradation and what is the meaning of "degradation rate" : You...
  • Tips for troubleshooting when your off-grid system doesn't work

    Tips for troubleshooting when your off-grid system doesn't work

    Sep , 01 2021
    Usually off-grid system used to get 24/7 uninterrupted power supply and also to minimize CAPEX to the lowest. So, when an off-grid system goes down, it's really hard and it becomes harder if you're an amateur  on solar system. Considering this hardship for the new comers or amateur on solar system, our technical team has noted down some important troubleshooting tips which can help to get the...
  • What basic things you should know for solar charge controller?

    What basic things you should know for solar charge controller?

    Sep , 01 2021
    To prevent the damage of whole system or battery bank, a solar charge controller plays a crucial role. It ensures, the battery doesn't get overcharged with the continuous energy flow from the solar or the grid. It stands in-between the energy generation source, the solar panels, the energy storage component (battery) and the final load. Basic things which should be considered for Solar Charge Cont...
  • Basic knowledge about solar inverter

    Basic knowledge about solar inverter

    Sep , 01 2021
    With the increased interest in renewable energy sources across the globe, the interest in solar systems has also shot up at amazing rates. Solar systems consist of solar panels, (or photovoltaic (PV) panels), a solar inverter ( super important) and a rack to keep everything in place. They may also contain a battery, depending on the system and an electric meter, and the amount and type of panels f...
  • Common problems and troubleshooting of solar inverters

    Common problems and troubleshooting of solar inverters

    Sep , 01 2021
    With the increased interest in renewable energy sources across the globe, the interest in solar systems has also shot up at amazing rates. Last week we have mentioned basic knowledge about solar inverter, continuing from that, this week we are going to discuss about some common problems take place on solar inverter and possible troubleshooting of those. Common problems and troubleshooting of ...
  • Pros and Cons of solar inverters string inverters, micro inverters and power optimizers

    Pros and Cons of solar inverters string inverters, micro inverters and power optimizers

    Sep , 01 2021
    With the increased interest in renewable energy sources across the globe, inverter technology has been steadily evolving over the past several decades to better enable homeowners to reap maximum power from their PV systems. Both string inverters and micro-inverters do this job for you as a solar homeowner, but go about the process in different ways. Continuing from the previous weeks about basic i...
  • What is PERC technology on Solar modules

    What is PERC technology on Solar modules

    Sep , 01 2021
    Solar cell technology is evolving and improving continuously. PERC cell technology is also one of those new technologies that helped solar modules to perform with better efficiency and performance. What are PERC solar cells: PERC can stand for either Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell or Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact. At its core, a PERC solar cell is simply a more efficient solar cell, meanin...
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