Five golden rules for Smarter TCO analysis for Telecom application, Rule# 3
31 Aug 2021

EverExceed has drawn on a long field experience in supplying batteries for telecom applications to identify Five Golden Rules for a TCO analysis that will result in a fully informed smart decision. These five golden rules will be discussed in this forum in a weekly series. To continue this series today we are going to describe rule number 3.

Rule 3: Use the correct parameters to inform your decision

All telecom sites are different and their key parameters will vary. Therefore, the TCO calculations will differ. For example:
• For a hybrid site, saving on fuel consumption might be the most important factor.
• At a remote, hard to access, site saving on battery replacement costs could be critical.
• In a strategic location, possibly supporting a mission critical network, then achieving maximum reliability and uptime will be the main focus.
• In standard outside plant (OSP) applications operators might aim to reduce their power consumption by selecting batteries with the minimum float current to maintain 100 percent SOC.
• Locations can vary widely including mountain top, hybrid, solar power off-grid, and rooftop, in-building or at a customer premises.

Furthermore, all batteries are different and their behavior will vary according to the environment and profile. TCO calculations produce different results according to what aspect of the battery we wish to optimize and the areas where we are willing to compromise. For example:

• Excellent performance at low temperature could save on the need for heater systems.
• A longer calendar life at high temperatures can extend the service life and save on cooling system.
• Good cycling performance can save on frequent replacement while maintaining a high level of telecom network service. It is in this particular area that the cycling capability of Li-ion offers a significant advantage over lead-acid.
All sites are different; make sure you understand the complete list of parameters to take into account. They will be different for a hybrid site or a small cell.

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