NiCd charging basics:
Normally cells are charged at a rate of around C/5. In other words if their capacity is 1 amp hour then they would be charged at a rate of 200mA. The charge time is usually longer than 10 hours because not all the energy entering the cell is converted into stored electrical energy.It is found that during the first stage of charging, up to about 70% of full charge, the charging process is nearly 100% efficient. After this it falls.
Charging :
Each cell should be charged according to the standard current 0.2C5 A to charge 8h, cells of the same model can be charged together, while the different models cannot be charged together. In charging, the temperature of electrolyte is slowly rising. If rises over 45℃, it will be harmful to the battery, the charging should be stopped at once, when the temperature is down below 45℃, continue charging. Record charging details.
Treatment after initial charge :
Check whether the electrolyte level is normal or not after charging, if it is much lower than the max. level, please fill electrolyte to the proper level.
Fast NiCd charging:
Sometimes equipment using nickel cadmium cells requires the use of fast charging techniques. Typically charging takes place at rates of around C. However it is necessary to ensure that the NiCd charging is operated correctly and charging is terminated immediately on charge being completed.
When it comes to charging any batteries externally, it is always wise to use a good charger. EverExceed offers integrated high quality industrial rectifier battery chargers with unique design and smart features such as:
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