How to ensure uninterrupted power supply to telecom BTS with less OPEX
31 Aug 2021

The telecommunications market has become a major consumer of power. With so much growth, service continuity continues to be a must. As technology gives rise to more and more telecom devices in the market, people and products are able to connect globally. Look around you and see how many people are tapping away on their smart phones or other devices. We, as a society, have become incredibly dependent on our telecommunication networks to be up and operating at all times

Importance of uninterrupted power supply in telecom BTS:
On emergency or critical case, communicating over mobile comes first. So without power supply, emergency communication can't be completed without uninterrupted power supply.
Beside emergency case, currently all the business, financial transactions, works, commuting are currently depends on telecom industry as well. So for smooth operation, uninterrupted power supply plays a vital role.

Natural events pose a serious threat to electrical network stability and they seem to multiply these days, forcing telecom companies to take preemptive measures. So to considering the harsh weather, uninterrupted power supply towards telecom BTS can't be ignored.

How to ensure uninterrupted power supply to telecom BTS with less OPEX:
To avoid downtime, currently many telecom sites are deployed with DG. DG helps to run smoothly the telecom site during power outage. Because of the fossil fuels, running DG continuously having an inverse impact on the environment as well. On the other hand, DG operation needs continuous diesel refueling as well. DG refueling seems to be expensive because of the continuous transportation of diesel. So, OPEX might be higher, if you consider the price of the diesel along with transportation charge. As a result, to reduce the OPEX solar energy or stored energy on the battery solution has emerged recently.

Solar Solution:

With that solution, solar energy helps to run the load continuously and also the excessive generated energy from solar helps to store energy in the battery as well. So during power outage or even in the night, when solar energy is not generating any energy, then stored energy in the battery feeds energy to the load to provide uninterrupted power supply. When the battery discharges almost full, then DG runs automatically to keep the load uninterrupted. By doing so, electricity bill, OPEX tends to reduce and also DG operating time decrease, which is helpful for the green environment and also for financial aspect as well. EverExceed ESB series power solution is the perfect solution for telecom industry, to utilize the proper solar energy and minimize OPEX of the site.

Battery Solution:

With this solution, the grid power provides uninterrupted power solution to the load and also feeds energy to the battery to store the energy. During power outage, the stored energy from the battery feeds continuous energy to the load and when the battery discharges to almost full, then the DG kicks in to keep the telecom site run without interrupting any power. When the grid power is available again, then the system switch back to normal mode and feed energy to the load from grid power. By doing so, DG operating time reduces in to some extend and that ensures lesser OPEX for the telecom site. EverExceed EDB series power solution is the perfect solution for telecom industry, to utilize the proper stored energy in to the battery for uninterrupted power supply and minimize OPEX of the site.

If you want to know more about EverExceed Power Solution for Telecom Industry, contact EverExceed today. Our team is experienced enough to provide you best solution for your needs.
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