  • Introduction of industrial and commercial energy storage and analysis of income mode

    Introduction of industrial and commercial energy storage and analysis of income mode

    May , 15 2023
    Industrial and commercial energy storage system composition Industrial and commercial energy storage systems and energy storage power station systems include battery systems +BMS, PCS, EMS, transformers, racks, connecting cables, busbar cabinets, lightning protection, and grounding systems, monitoring and alarm systems, etc. Industrial and commercial energy storage systems are different from large...
  • The UPS technical glossary

    The UPS technical glossary

    May , 23 2023
    This ups technical glossary is designed to help you to understand the technical terms used within the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) industry. A AC ripple Is the residual periodic variation of the DC voltage withina UPS which has been derived from an unwelcome alternating (AC) source. An AC ripple causes internal heating and deterioration of the UPS battery poles and so should be prevented fom...
  • Basic knowledge of filters

    Basic knowledge of filters

    Jun , 21 2023
    The Line filter is a filter circuit composed of capacitance, inductance and resistance. A filter can effectively filter out a specific frequency point in the power line or frequencies outside of that frequency point, obtaining a specific frequency power signal or eliminating a specific frequency power signal. A filter, as the name suggests, is a device that filters waves. Wave "is a very broad phy...
  • Lithium battery capacity loss cause analysis

    Lithium battery capacity loss cause analysis

    Jun , 21 2023
    Lithium-ion batteries are the fastest-developing secondary batteries after cadmium-nickel and nickel-hydrogen batteries. Its high-energy properties make its future look bright. However, lithium-ion batteries are not perfect, and their biggest problem is the stability of their charge-discharge cycle. This paper summarizes and analyzes the possible causes of capacity attenuation of Li-ion batteries,...
  • Important performance of the battery

    Important performance of the battery

    Sep , 04 2023
    1, electrical performance: (1) Rated capacity: 0.5C discharge, single battery discharge time is not less than 2h, battery pack discharge time is not less than 108min (95%); (2) 1C discharge capacity: 1C discharge, single battery discharge time is not less than 57min (95%), battery pack discharge time is not less than 54min (90%); (3) Low temperature discharge capacity: 0.5C discharge at -20℃, the ...
  • Why only online UPS topology provides mission critical load protection

    Why only online UPS topology provides mission critical load protection

    Sep , 09 2023
    Why does only online UPS topology provides mission critical load protection? Modern, static UPS systems are broadly classified into three design architectures: on-line, off-line and line interactive. This post describes and compares the three types and explains why – for truly critical loads – online ups topology is the only acceptable approach. Facility executives today face increased demands for...
  • Ground Design

    Ground Design

    Nov , 10 2023
    1、Introduction In the process of circuit design, grounding is a commonplace issue. The grounding method needs to be based on specific usage scenarios, and there is no universal grounding method. In this article, we will explain the essence of grounding issues, which is worth savoring carefully. 2、Classification of grounding The same hardware circuit may also have differences in grounding methods i...
  • Working principle of lead-acid battery

    Working principle of lead-acid battery

    Dec , 23 2023
    1. The generation of electromotive force of lead-acid batteries After the lead-acid battery is charged, the positive plate lead dioxide (PbO2), under the action of water molecules in the sulfuric acid solution, a small amount of lead dioxide and water produce dissociable unstable substances - lead hydroxide (Pb (OH) 4), hydroxide ions in the solution, lead ions (Pb4) remain on the positive plate, ...
  • Comparison of grid-connected, off-grid and hybrid systems

    Comparison of grid-connected, off-grid and hybrid systems

    Jan , 06 2024
    There are three types of solar panel systems: grid-tied (on-grid), off-grid, and hybrid solar systems. Each type of system has a unique setup that affects what equipment is used, the complexity of installation, and, most crucially, your potential costs and savings. What would be the best in your situation? Let’s take a closer look at the benefits and downsides of grid-tied, off-grid and hybrid sol...
  • Lead-acid battery failure model

    Lead-acid battery failure model

    May , 11 2024
    The most common failure modes are:   - Softening or shedding of the active material.  During discharge the lead oxide (PbO2) of the positive plate is transformed into lead sulfate (PbSO4), and back to lead oxide during charging. Frequent cycling will reduce cohesion of the positive plate material due to the higher volume of lead sulfate compared to lead oxide.    Corrosion...
  • Advantages of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

    Advantages of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

    May , 31 2024
    Ni-Cd batteries have been around nearly as long as lead-acid. Commercial products have been available since around 19007. Pocket plate designs are typically used for long to high current types, while fiber plates are used for extremely high current short demand applications like engine starting.   While Ni-Cd batteries typically cost many times what a comparable lead-acid does, their characte...
  • Analysis and application of charge and discharge curve of lithium battery

    Analysis and application of charge and discharge curve of lithium battery

    Jun , 27 2024
    Abstract: In this paper, the analysis method of charge and discharge curve of lithium battery is introduced in detail, including charge efficiency, discharge characteristics, capacity evaluation, internal resistance evaluation and cycle life evaluation. Through the interpretation of the charge and discharge curve, the performance and characteristics of lithium batteries can be deeply understood, w...
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