Warranties of Solar Panels
31 Aug 2021
Solar power systems are considered a key tool in the energy supply for the present and future generations. A solar cell or photovoltaic cell is a device that converts the sunlight into usable energy. Solar panel warranties protect the solar investment and are an important part of any solar installation. There are a few different kinds of warranties that keep panels covered, and understanding both the differences between them and what products feature the best warranties is important to make sure to get the best deal for solar energy system.

Importance of Solar Panel warranties:

Solar panels are designed to last trouble-free for two decades or more. They are sturdy and durable, able to withstand harsh elements in every part of the country. But solar panel problems do occur from time to time. Rather than be stuck with a costly repair, your best bet is to buy product and performance warranties to safeguard your investment.

In some cases, a failed panel will not impact the overall performance of your system. However, at other times, a panel failure could cause adjacent panels to fail as well. At other times, a system will not experience a catastrophic failure. The amount of production may degrade over time, providing you with less solar benefits. A certain amount of loss in efficiency is normal, but when it exceeds a certain threshold, it'll be a total burden and won't be a financially viable investment, while considering the benefits you would have thought while deploying solar system. Only having a good warranties on the solar panels, can be the best friend in this situation.

What does a warranty covers
Solar panel  warranties covers two parts.
Product or Equipment warranty- Solar panel equipment warranties cover the physical panels themselves. This includes any manufacturing defects, durability issues, or equipment failure. The warranty typically covers the cost of replacing the faulty or damaged panel with a new working one. Most equipment warranties for solar panels last between 8 - 10 years.
Performance Warranty- A performance warranty guarantees a solar panel installation will meet or exceed a baseline electric production output over the lifetime of the panels. Under normal conditions, solar panel output production will degrade to some degree, but it should lose no more than 10-20% over 25 years. Typically, performance drops by one-half to one percent a year. Typically, a performance warranty will guarantee 90% production for the first ten years and 80% for up to 25 years.

Performance warranty coverage is yet another indicator of a panel manufacturer’s service and support policies in the event that you ever encounter a problem with your solar system. Suffice it to say that higher 25-year performance warranties (i.e., slower degradation) are viewed more favorably than lower performance warranties, but as a practical matter, the performance warranty may be a better indicator of a panel’s intended degradation behavior than of its manufacturer’s support practices. Performance warranties guarantee that a solar installation will allow an owner to buy little or no direct electricity from a utility, minimizing dependence on the grid.

Cleaning solar panels is important to maximize the amount of light available to turn into electrical power. Making frequent physical inspections can help solar panels absorbing light effectively. However EverExceed Solar panels are with 25 years performance warranty, which is very much financially viable and suitable performance for EverExceed Off-gridEverExceed On-grid or EverExceed Hybrid solution.

If you want to know more about EverExceed Solar Panel contact EverExceed today. Our team is experienced for more than a decade on the industry to provide you best solution for your needs.
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