  • Lead-acid battery characteristics

    Lead-acid battery characteristics

    Feb , 24 2023
    Ⅰ: Electromotive force, internal resistance and terminal voltage of lead-acid battery: 1): Electromotive force: refers to the potential difference between the two poles, which depends on the relative density and temperature of the electrolyte.The relative density temperature coefficient of lead-acid battery is 0.00075, that is, the relative density decreases by 0.00075 when the electrolyte tempera...
  • Answers to the characteristics of lead-acid batteries

    Answers to the characteristics of lead-acid batteries

    Feb , 16 2023
    1. How AGM vs Lead Acid Batteries Work The AGM battery and the standard lead acid battery are technically the same when it comes to their base chemistry. They both use lead plates and an electrolyte mix of sulfuric acid and water and have a chemical reaction that produces hydrogen and oxygen as a byproduct. However, this is when they start to diverge. Here’s how: A. Flooded Lead Acid Battery The f...
  • How to understand the sources of power quality distrubances

    How to understand the sources of power quality distrubances

    Feb , 16 2023
    Power quality disturbances are categorized into voltage sag, voltage swell, transient, harmonic, voltage notch, and flicker. Power quality research is the study of various phenomena that cause power quality disturbance to occur and the development of mitigation strategy. Power quality distrubances can cause innumerable problems in industrial facilities. While a facility owner’s first inclination m...
  • how to prevent the damage caused by excessive discharge  of UPS battery

    how to prevent the damage caused by excessive discharge of UPS battery

    Feb , 15 2023
    What does UPS battery deep discharge and excessive discharge mean? Deep discharge generally refers to the discharge of about 80% of the rated capacity of the battery. The power UPS power battery must have some active substances sink after being used for a period of time. If the active substances are not activated in time, it is bound to have some impact on the capacity of the battery. Therefore, i...
  • UPS and generators or a lifetime of  friendship

    UPS and generators or a lifetime of friendship

    Feb , 15 2023
    UPS and generators should be best friends, smoothly cooperating to improve site’s resiliency. Often this might not be the case, due to mutual misunderstandings and lack of information. This article is a comprehensive guide and essential knowledge base about UPS input performance and its impact on generators’ operation. Using a UPS with generators In real operation, whenever a mains failure occurs,...
  • Using uninterruptible power supply systems to avoid power disruptions

    Using uninterruptible power supply systems to avoid power disruptions

    Feb , 15 2023
    Any outage scenario causes worry and wonder among employees, as well as stress and strain for the team in charge. Instead of working efficiently, everyone gathers around a window to see or discuss the cause, which can be one of many things. Power loss without uninterruptible power supply systems Utility companies routinely summarize the reasons for any power outages in the regular reports. The cau...
  • 8 Benefits Of Pure Sine Wave  Inverters

    8 Benefits Of Pure Sine Wave Inverters

    Feb , 06 2023
    When it comes to inverters, there are two main types to choose from. They are square wave or modified sine wave inverters and pure sine wave inverters. They each have their own features and advantages. You might tell from their names that the pure sine wave inverters are better in quality and performance. Of course, this doesn’t mean that the modified o...
  • What are the main applications of UPS power supply system?

    What are the main applications of UPS power supply system?

    Jan , 11 2023
    The first type of UPS system equipment for information equipment is mainly used for the security protection of computer information systems, communication systems, data network centers, etc. in the information industry, IT industry, transportation, financial industry, aerospace industry, etc. The first type of UPS system equipment for information equipment is mainly used for the security protectio...
  • Analyze the application and benefit of UPS power supply

    Analyze the application and benefit of UPS power supply

    Jan , 11 2023
    Modern life is constantly breaking out and demanding a lot of data, which is stored in the data center. With the application of 5G, driverless, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and other big data, the data center will open at an amazing speed. As we all know, the data center is a big power consumer, so it is the key point for the data center to discuss energy conservation and electricit...
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