  • Three things the energy storage industry should know about end of battery life

    Three things the energy storage industry should know about end of battery life

    Nov , 12 2021
    In the latest update of Circular Energy Storage’s data on the lithium-ion battery end-of-life market we conclude that over 1.2 million tons of waste batteries will be recycled in 2030. Although it sounds like a massive number, the recycling industry is in fact well prepared and will most probably fight for the volumes. This is good news for the energy storage industry, as it is for all other busin...
  • Energy Storage Systems Pros and Cons

    Energy Storage Systems Pros and Cons

    Nov , 10 2021
    With the requirement for energy growing by leaps and bounds in all aspects of life, it is wise to save energy for the future, instead of wasting away the excess. This is where a home energy storage battery comes into the picture. When attached to the grid-based system, the battery stores sustainable energy and supplies it during the times when you cannot gain access to solar power or other sustain...
  • Things You Must Know Before Buying A Residential Energy Storage Battery

    Things You Must Know Before Buying A Residential Energy Storage Battery

    Nov , 09 2021
    With the requirement for energy growing by leaps and bounds in all aspects of life, it is wise to save energy for the future, instead of wasting away the excess. This is where a residential energy storage battery comes into the picture. When attached to the grid-based system, the battery stores sustainable energy and supplies it during the times when you cannot gain access to solar power or other ...
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