  • Causes of vulcanization in lead-acid batteries

    Causes of vulcanization in lead-acid batteries

    Mar , 08 2024
    A lead-acid battery is a common type of battery in which the positive and negative electrodes are composed of lead oxide (PbO2) and sponge lead (Pb), respectively, and the electrolyte is a sulfuric acid solution. Vulcanization is an unavoidable chemical reaction during the use of lead-acid batteries, which may lead to reduced battery capacity and shortened life. The following are the conditions an...
  • Cause of lead-acid battery failure

    Cause of lead-acid battery failure

    Mar , 08 2024
    1, sulphate: Friends who have seen the battery inside should understand that on the surface of the negative plate inside the lead-acid battery, there is a layer of white hard crystals attached, which can not be peeled off the surface of the negative plate into active substances after charging lead sulphate, which is sulphate, referred to as vulcanization. The appearance of vulcanization has a cert...
  • Role and application of multilayer graphene in lead-acid batteries

    Role and application of multilayer graphene in lead-acid batteries

    Jan , 26 2024
    Early capacity loss of lead-acid batteries (PCL-3) - irreversible sulfation of the negative electrode The research shows that: At different discharge rates, the distribution of PbSO4 generated by the negative electrode is different. At low discharge rates (< 0.5C20), PbSO4 crystals are uniformly distributed inside the plate, and the crystal particles are relatively coarse, while at high dischar...
  • Structure and Function of AGM Separators

    Structure and Function of AGM Separators

    Jan , 26 2024
    The AGM spacer used in VRLA has the following additional functions: -Absorb the electrolyte (the third active substance of the battery) so that it does not flow. Provide relatively large gas transmission holes for oxygen diffusion and consequently facilitate COC operation. -Ensures high ionic conductivity. Provides transport channels for ionic flows to travel between the two types of polar plates,...
  • Basic knowledge of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries

    Basic knowledge of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries

    Dec , 23 2023
    1. Meaning of maintenance-free battery The main advantage of the valve-controlled lead-acid battery is that the oxygen generated on the positive plate during charging is reduced to water on the negative plate through the recombination reaction, and water does not need to be added during the specified floating life period when used, so it is also called maintenance-free lead-acid battery. It can be...
  • Working principle of lead-acid battery

    Working principle of lead-acid battery

    Dec , 23 2023
    1. The generation of electromotive force of lead-acid batteries After the lead-acid battery is charged, the positive plate lead dioxide (PbO2), under the action of water molecules in the sulfuric acid solution, a small amount of lead dioxide and water produce dissociable unstable substances - lead hydroxide (Pb (OH) 4), hydroxide ions in the solution, lead ions (Pb4) remain on the positive plate, ...
  • Lead-acid battery leakage causes and prevention

    Lead-acid battery leakage causes and prevention

    Nov , 25 2023
    1. Battery leakage 1.1 Causes 1) Structural seal damage in the production process, such as defects in the welding or bonding surface of the pole and shell that are not found in time, resulting in leakage in use. 2) The apparent or invisible damage to the battery shell caused by improper operation during transportation or installation is not eliminated in time. 3) The charging setting is unreasonab...
  • Causes and prevention of lead-acid battery bulge

    Causes and prevention of lead-acid battery bulge

    Nov , 25 2023
    1. The battery is bulging 1.1 Causes 1) Overcharge 2) Ambient high temperature 3) Thermal runaway 4) Individual monomers in the series circuit are not found in time, resulting in overcharging of other batteries 1.2 Prevention 1) The BSB system is installed to intelligently manage the charging of the battery itself and effectively prevent the overcharging of the battery. 2) Secondly, the BMS system...
  • Method for providing the service life of valve-controlled closed lead acid Battery (VRLA)?

    Method for providing the service life of valve-controlled closed lead acid Battery (VRLA)?

    Nov , 03 2023
    1 Temperature affects battery life: thermal runaway causes temperature rise: Valve-controlled closed lead-acid battery (VRLA) charging when the internal gas recombination itself is an exothermal reaction, so that the battery temperature rises, floating charge flow increases, the gas evolution increases, and the battery temperature rises higher, the battery itself is a "poor liquid", tightly assemb...
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