  • The role and importance of AGM partitions

    The role and importance of AGM partitions

    Oct , 19 2023
    AGM separator and transfer reaction between positive and negative plates Structure and function of partitions The AGM partitions used by VRLA have the following additional functions: Absorb the electrolyte (the third active substance of the battery) so that it does not flow. Provides a relatively large gas transfer hole for oxygen diffusion and thus facilitates the operation of the COC. High ionic...
  • Micropore system anatomy of AGM clapboard

    Micropore system anatomy of AGM clapboard

    Oct , 11 2023
    The performance characteristics of VRLA batteries are largely determined by the capillary characteristics of the AGM separator, that is, the ability to keep the micropores in the thickness direction of the separator filled with electrolyte and prevent the electrolyte from drying out and causing delamination. These properties are influenced by the micropore structure, especially the micropore distr...
  • Effect of temperature on the performance of lead-acid batteries

    Effect of temperature on the performance of lead-acid batteries

    Sep , 18 2023
    What are the effects of temperature on the performance of lead-acid batteries? From the chemical reaction equation of lead-acid batteries, PbO2 is on the positive plate, and Pb is on the negative plate. The electrical and physical properties of these two substances vary very little with temperature, so it can be said that the temperature effect of the discharge performance of lead-acid batteries i...
  • Lead-acid battery thermal runaway failure analysis when the battery is in the state of charge

    Lead-acid battery thermal runaway failure analysis when the battery is in the state of charge

    Sep , 04 2023
    Lead acid battery thermal runaway fault analysis When the battery is charged: There is a cumulative increase in battery temperature. When the heat accumulates to a certain extent during the warming process, the battery terminal voltage will suddenly decrease, forcing the current to increase suddenly, and the phenomenon of high battery temperature and damage to the battery is called thermal runaway...
  • Why choose gel batteries?

    Why choose gel batteries?

    Aug , 22 2023
    The colloidal lead-acid battery is an improvement of the ordinary lead-acid battery with liquid electrolyte. The sulfuric acid electrolyte is replaced by a colloidal electrolyte, and the safety, power storage, discharge performance, and service life are improved compared with the ordinary battery. The colloidal lead-acid battery adopts a gel-like electrolyte; no free liquid is inside. Under the sa...
  • Characteristics and principle of OPzV colloidal battery

    Characteristics and principle of OPzV colloidal battery

    Aug , 09 2023
    OPzV is made of high-purity nano-scale materials, which can greatly extend the battery life: Principles and features: (1) can effectively inhibit the delamination of lead-acid battery electrolyte, dendrite short circuit and other problems. (2) The adsorption of colloid reduces the supersaturation of PbSO4 and produces loose porous PbSO4: (3) Delay the formation of PbSO4 dense crystalline layer and...
  • Effect of carbon black content on negative electrode performance of lead-acid battery

    Effect of carbon black content on negative electrode performance of lead-acid battery

    Aug , 04 2023
    VRLA battery is not ideal in electric vehicles because of its short life under deep charge and discharge cycle conditions. In recent years, with the improvement of positive plate grid materials, the cycle life of batteries has been improved, and the main reason for the failure of VRLA batteries for electric vehicles is the sulfation of the negative electrode. To this end, there are more studies on...
  • Selection of lead carbon-carbon addition

    Selection of lead carbon-carbon addition

    Jun , 30 2023
    The influence of chemical properties such as carbon material type and addition amount on battery performance was studied. Several different types of carbon materials (graphite, carbon black, activated carbon, etc.) were selected and tested for their effects on the negative electrode plate with additional amounts ranging from 0.2% to 4%, as well as hydrogen evolution inhibitors and adhesives. And c...
  • Preparation of lead-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites and their applications

    Preparation of lead-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites and their applications

    Jun , 14 2023
    The shortcomings of lead-acid batteries are: low energy density and short cycle life. Lead sulfate formed by the negative plate of the lead-acid battery during the discharge process, after the battery is placed, the small particles of lead sulfate will be converted into large particles of lead sulfate, and the large particles of lead sulfate will not be converted into lead during the charging proc...
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