  • Irreversible lithium evolution of LiFePO4 batteries at low temperatures and its effect on battery performance degradation

    Irreversible lithium evolution of LiFePO4 batteries at low temperatures and its effect on battery performance degradation

    Dec , 07 2024
    Lithium evolution is the main failure problem faced by lithium-ion batteries during low temperature charging. Due to the low diffusion rate of lithium ions in the solid phase of graphite particles and in the liquid phase of the electrolyte at low temperatures, the negative polarization increases during charging and lithium evolution occurs, and the precipitated lithium metal is divided into revers...
  • Classification of DC Power Supplies

    Classification of DC Power Supplies

    Mar , 01 2025
    DC regulated power supply classification methods, according to the type of output power supply DC regulated power supply and AC regulated power supply; according to the connection between the regulated circuit and the load DC regulated power supply series regulated power supply and parallel regulated power supply; according to the operating state of the adjustment tube is divided into linear regul...
  • The principle of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries is based on the following aspects

    The principle of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries is based on the following aspects

    Mar , 07 2025
    1、Basic Electrochemical Principles  The charging and discharging process of maintenance-free lead-acid batteries is based on electrochemical redox reactions. When discharging, metal lead is the negative pole, the oxidation reaction occurs, the electrode reaction formula is Pb +SO42-===PbSO4+ 2e-; lead dioxide is the positive pole, the reduction reaction occurs, the electrode reaction formula ...
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