  • UPS battery maintenance is importance for power backup

    UPS battery maintenance is importance for power backup

    May , 29 2023
    Who would not appreciate a backup power supply? So, your uninterruptible power supply at the heart of it. Do you know that the many batteries that make up your UPS Battery are each crucial to its functioning? One badly working battery can ruin your entire system. Especially in the places like data centre operations, this risk is highly unaffordable. Most of the time when you hear the UPS failed is...
  • How to Select a UPS for Power Backup?

    How to Select a UPS for Power Backup?

    May , 29 2023
    If you’ve spent any time looking for a backup power UPS, then you already know that when it comes to an uninterruptible power supply, you have an unlimited number of options. Narrowing them down and choosing the right UPS power supply for your application depends on a number of different factors including UPS system typology, UPS load capacity, and UPS runtime, to name just a few. Simplify your UP...
  • The UPS technical glossary

    The UPS technical glossary

    May , 23 2023
    This ups technical glossary is designed to help you to understand the technical terms used within the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) industry. A AC ripple Is the residual periodic variation of the DC voltage withina UPS which has been derived from an unwelcome alternating (AC) source. An AC ripple causes internal heating and deterioration of the UPS battery poles and so should be prevented fom...
  • What does a complete data center look like?

    What does a complete data center look like?

    May , 22 2023
    Ⅰ.What is data center? Data center usually refers to the centralized processing, storage, transmission, exchange, and management of data and information in a physical space. It generally contains key equipment such as computer equipment, server equipment, network equipment, communication equipment, and storage equipment. The infrastructure of the data center refers to the basic project designed an...
  • What is an Offline UPS?

    What is an Offline UPS?

    May , 16 2023
    Standby or Offline UPS is one of the three main types of the static UPS.It is the simplest and least expensive uninterruptible power supply system. Actually, some don’t even consider it as a UPS, because of the presence of a momentary break during transfer or switching. Due to that, an offline UPS is sometimes described as a standby power supply (SPS). Nonetheless, the design employed by the stand...
  • How to use UPS power supply to maximize its service life?

    How to use UPS power supply to maximize its service life?

    May , 16 2023
    The UPS power supply room should be a room with an empty and anti-static floor. The lightning protection effect should be good. It should be dustproof, moisture-proof and sunscreen. The input voltage should be within the planning. The most reasonable load planning is 30% - 60%. Full load and overload operation will affect the life of UPS. Maintain at least once a year. However, in practice, it is ...
  • Introduction of industrial and commercial energy storage and analysis of income mode

    Introduction of industrial and commercial energy storage and analysis of income mode

    May , 15 2023
    Industrial and commercial energy storage system composition Industrial and commercial energy storage systems and energy storage power station systems include battery systems +BMS, PCS, EMS, transformers, racks, connecting cables, busbar cabinets, lightning protection, and grounding systems, monitoring and alarm systems, etc. Industrial and commercial energy storage systems are different from large...
  • Charge and discharge theory and calculation  method design of lithium battery

    Charge and discharge theory and calculation method design of lithium battery

    May , 13 2023
    1 . Production of lithium Ion battery 1 .1 State Of Charge ( state-of-charge; S OC) Soc can be defined as the state of available electrical energy in the battery, usually expressed as a percentage. Because the available electric energy varies with charging and discharging current, temperature, and aging phenomenon, the definition Of the State of Charge is also divided into two types: Absolute stat...
  • UPS rack modular UPS power supply application?

    UPS rack modular UPS power supply application?

    May , 09 2023
    One kind of UPS power supply often used in daily life is power modular UPS power supply. Power modular rack UPS power supply consists of rack and power module. The power supply module includes the traditional UPS, filter, charging, inverter, etc. However, the static bypass is shared with a part of the system for monitoring and display. Each module operates in parallel independently. The display co...
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