  • What is the pocket plate technology of a NiCd Battery?

    What is the pocket plate technology of a NiCd Battery?

    Aug , 27 2021
    The NiCd battery or Nickel Cadmium battery is a rechargeable battery that uses metallic cadmium for its negative electrode and nickel oxide hydroxide for its positive electrode. For the electrolyte, a potassium hydroxide solution is used. Nickel Cadmium batteries are characterized by their resistance to electrical abuse, high cycle lives, reliability and versatility and have found a wide range of ...
  • How to charge NiCd battery properly?

    How to charge NiCd battery properly?

    Aug , 27 2021
    NiCd batteries have two charging methods, one is constant voltage (boost +float) and other one is constant current .It is recommended to use Constant Voltage method of charging for Nickel Cadmium Batteries, usually with current limitation to C/5 or C/10. Charging voltages must be regularly checked. To optimized the battery performance, it is necessary to ensure that the voltage is kept into s...
  • What are the Advantages and limitations of NiCd batteries?

    What are the Advantages and limitations of NiCd batteries?

    Aug , 27 2021
    The NiCd batteries prefer fast charge to slow charge and pulse charge to DC charge. All other chemistries prefer a shallow discharge and moderate load currents. The NiCd is a strong and silent worker; hard labor poses no problem. In fact, the NiCd is the one of the best battery type that performs well under rigorous working conditions. It does not like to be pampered by sitting in charge...
  • Different Kinds of VRLA Batteries

    Different Kinds of VRLA Batteries

    Aug , 27 2021
    Pure electric VRLA battery Pure electric VRLA battery as a power source, motor energy battery as the power source of pure electric vehicle motor energy in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles: the role of providing an internal combustion engine, fuel cell engine cars and even starting the energy required in automobile acceleration or uphill, to provide a part of vrla battery when brakin...
  • What is VRLA battery?

    What is VRLA battery?

    Aug , 27 2021
    VRLA stands for Valve Regulated Lead Acid is the technical term for maintenance free batteries. VRLA batteries are also popularly called Sealed Maintenance Free batteries or SMF batteries in short. Unlike Flooded batteries, there is no need to add distilled water from outside which makes them maintenance free. VRLA batteries work on the oxygen recombination principle. The hydrogen and oxygen that ...
  • What are the basic requirements of Lead acid batteries in Telecom Industry?

    What are the basic requirements of Lead acid batteries in Telecom Industry?

    Aug , 27 2021
    What are the basic requirements of Lead acid batteries in Telecom Industry? Telecom industry is the biggest industry with multiple challenges due to the rapid growth of technology. The market size of Lead acid battery is always remarkable in this industry. Loss of commercial power is a major threat to the telecommunication industry and its customers. Energy storage that corresponds to the telecom ...
  •  Why you should choose High Temperature Lead Acid Batteries?

    Why you should choose High Temperature Lead Acid Batteries?

    Aug , 27 2021
    Definition of High Temperature Battery: High temperature Lead acid battery refers to batteries which are capable to charge continuously at 35°C or above and the operating temperature range is -40°C to +80°C whereas usually the ordinary lead acid battery’s operating temperature range is -20°C to +45°C. High Temperature Battery Design High Temperature batteries have been designed for countries where...
  • Which batteries are appropriate for low temperature operation?

    Which batteries are appropriate for low temperature operation?

    Aug , 27 2021
    One of the biggest threats to batteries is the temperature. It is vital to keep your batteries in conditions that do not affect their chemistry. Unfortunately, getting the right temperature is never easy. Whereas high temperatures are bad, cold temperatures are not good either. Charging a battery above freezing temperature is one of the biggest challenges for European, American and some other coun...
  • Which battery is best for Solar?

    Which battery is best for Solar?

    Aug , 27 2021
    What is Solar battery? Solar batteries are used to store solar energy (solar electricity) and discharge power as and when needed. Rechargeable solar batteries are used in off-grid PV systems to store excess electricity. Now-a-days solar batteries have been specially designed and optimized for PV system. Each battery has different temperature, mounting, and ventilation requirements. Types of S...
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