  • How to calculate Solar Payback?

    How to calculate Solar Payback?

    Aug , 31 2021
    Solar energy is a rapidly growing industry, thanks to the dramatic drop in prices for solar energy systems in the past decade. In most cases it is more cost effective to implement a solar energy system than to buy electricity from the local utility company. Solar provides predictably priced electricity for 20-30 years, making it easy for businesses to forecast operational expenses. In top of that,...
  • Developing an Energy Management Strategy (EMS) for LiFePO4 based ESS

    Developing an Energy Management Strategy (EMS) for LiFePO4 based ESS

    Aug , 31 2021
    Working closely to setup large-scale Lithium battery based Energy Storage System (ESS) for a wide variety of main grid, weak grid and micro grid installations; EverExceed has significant experience and insight on the real-world operation and optimization of energy storage technology. The most important consideration for any ESS is to view it as part of a whole system rather than as a sta...
  • Why, when and how to clean solar panels?

    Why, when and how to clean solar panels?

    Aug , 31 2021
    A car that’s well-oiled and serviced runs better, so there’s no surprise that solar panels do their job more efficiently when they’re given the same level of attention. Your new solar system requires very little maintenance, but a clean solar panel is much more efficient than a dirty or dusty one. Your solar power system’s output may be reduced if your panels are covered in dust, dirt or grime. Th...
  • How to ensure uninterrupted power supply to telecom BTS with less OPEX

    How to ensure uninterrupted power supply to telecom BTS with less OPEX

    Aug , 31 2021
    The telecommunications market has become a major consumer of power. With so much growth, service continuity continues to be a must. As technology gives rise to more and more telecom devices in the market, people and products are able to connect globally. Look around you and see how many people are tapping away on their smart phones or other devices. We, as a society, have become incredibly depende...
  • Things to know about commercial solar panel degradation

    Things to know about commercial solar panel degradation

    Sep , 01 2021
    Continuing about the reasons for commercial panel degradation from last week, it's important to know the degradation rate of the solar panels you're going to evaluate, how the manufacturers compare and what type of impact takes place on your business due to solar panel degradation is the most important thing. Definition of Solar Panel degradation and what is the meaning of "degradation rate" : You...
  • Tips for troubleshooting when your off-grid system doesn't work

    Tips for troubleshooting when your off-grid system doesn't work

    Sep , 01 2021
    Usually off-grid system used to get 24/7 uninterrupted power supply and also to minimize CAPEX to the lowest. So, when an off-grid system goes down, it's really hard and it becomes harder if you're an amateur  on solar system. Considering this hardship for the new comers or amateur on solar system, our technical team has noted down some important troubleshooting tips which can help to get the...
  • Generator vs Solar Energy System- Which one to choose?

    Generator vs Solar Energy System- Which one to choose?

    Sep , 01 2021
    A well-designed solar system can meet the majority of the electricity needs for a homeowner, but there are times when power needs to be pulled from the grid. While many energy providers give the option of net metering to cover the cost of electricity used from the local power company, it’s not available to all solar homeowners. Having a backup supply of electricity can provide power during outages...
  • Things You Must Know Before Buying A Residential Energy Storage Battery

    Things You Must Know Before Buying A Residential Energy Storage Battery

    Nov , 09 2021
    With the requirement for energy growing by leaps and bounds in all aspects of life, it is wise to save energy for the future, instead of wasting away the excess. This is where a residential energy storage battery comes into the picture. When attached to the grid-based system, the battery stores sustainable energy and supplies it during the times when you cannot gain access to solar power or other ...
  • Energy Storage Systems Pros and Cons

    Energy Storage Systems Pros and Cons

    Nov , 10 2021
    With the requirement for energy growing by leaps and bounds in all aspects of life, it is wise to save energy for the future, instead of wasting away the excess. This is where a home energy storage battery comes into the picture. When attached to the grid-based system, the battery stores sustainable energy and supplies it during the times when you cannot gain access to solar power or other sustain...
  • Three things the energy storage industry should know about end of battery life

    Three things the energy storage industry should know about end of battery life

    Nov , 12 2021
    In the latest update of Circular Energy Storage’s data on the lithium-ion battery end-of-life market we conclude that over 1.2 million tons of waste batteries will be recycled in 2030. Although it sounds like a massive number, the recycling industry is in fact well prepared and will most probably fight for the volumes. This is good news for the energy storage industry, as it is for all other busin...
  • What is a solar energy storage battery and what does it do?

    What is a solar energy storage battery and what does it do?

    Nov , 12 2021
    Storage system battery solution can help you make the most of your solar panels and increase your independence from the grid. Solar battery packs capture excess, unused energy produced by your solar panels, and store it ready for use at night, during cloudy periods, or during a blackout. Storing your self-generated solar energy means you can power your home with clean, green electricity 24/7. You’...
  • Implementing a useful battery assessment system at low cost

    Implementing a useful battery assessment system at low cost

    Nov , 22 2021
    In the battery system industry, some companies provide charger and battery systems to smaller, mission-critical applications; for some years, it has been clear that reducing the impact of battery failure is the best way to increase the user’s overall system reliability. In contrast to power electronics that can achieve MTBF in the range of 1 million hours, all VRLA batteries will fail between “now...
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